Friday, February 5, 2010

Clear Fluid Not Urine Underwear Is It Amniotic Fluid Or Urine?

Is it amniotic fluid or urine? - clear fluid not urine underwear

I am 38 weeks pregnant and had 2 false alarms now ... 1 was today. In the last hour, soaked 4 tablets Maxi and I went through 5 pairs of underwear. There are a lot of fluid flow. It occurs when coughing, standing or walking. The fluid is clear and has a different consistency and urine smell different. I do not see how my body can result in urine much at this speed. Any idea of experience mommas?


Anonymous said...

If you smell good - it's time.

If I were you, I would go to the hospital anyway (I like it!).

Anonymous said...

I had exactly the same. My midwife was fascinated, because if it was an overview of my water intact, but it was not safe to pee! I know that when I go for a pee. lol. I you would tell your doctor or go to checked at the hospital. I started with this and that my daughter was 4 days later. It was terrible, but! I would say that it is fluid.

Anonymous said...

You should definitely call your doctor if you do not know what it is either ... but call

Anonymous said...

I had exactly the same. My midwife was fascinated, because if it was an overview of my water intact, but it was not safe to pee! I know that when I go for a pee. lol. I you would tell your doctor or go to checked at the hospital. I started with this and that my daughter was 4 days later. It was terrible, but! I would say that it is fluid.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it could be amniotic fluid, but this is not something to chance. Go to L & D, and revise them.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a liquid, and keep your body fluid replaced, they say, when they expanded BC, when it gives you an idea bigger than themselves in labor to have sex before Jesus Christ can develop infection and I would tell my doctor before Christ, when go 2 weeks time to make and could not go to work soon infect i call my doc and tell them what happened, a test can be done in order to see whether what I think every 30 minutes. Good luck

Anonymous said...

If you smell good - it's time.

If I were you, I would go to the hospital anyway (I like it!).

Anonymous said...

Go to the hospital! Happy Birthday Mom! Baby is coming!

Anonymous said...

Go to the hospital! Happy Birthday Mom! Baby is coming!

Anonymous said...

Go to the hospital! Happy Birthday Mom! Baby is coming!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the amniotic fluid for me, then I go to your provider or a maternity hospital and have a try. They have little evidence that can tell within minutes :-)

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