Friday, January 29, 2010

Css Template Linen How To Read The Css Document Available With The Css Template And Create The Web Site?

How to read the css document available with the css template and create the web site? - css template linen

I am a beginner and now wants to establish itself a website. Also the design. nt in the interest of freely available web-builders. So, if someone can help me with this problem. If not a tutorial on this, so I can learn to read and create CSS design.


brisray said...

W3Schools is always a good place to look for the HTML or CSS and scripts -

Bunty said...

Hi Pari,

CSS tutorials to sign in.

There are a number of tools free web building called WYSIWYG editors.

1. First Page
2. AceHTML
3. HTML TextPad

Hope this helps

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